Monday, 15 July 2013

Folk'n'Jazz at the Chateau of Parisot

Its folk'n'jazz's first birthday this month so what better place to celebrate than a beautiful chateau.
Ruve Duncan and Michael Bucknel have kindly offered to host the event at their lovely home the chateau in Parisot.

As long suffering partners of performers like myself will know, they all work hard learning and practising to be note perfect (ish) on the night. This month, despite the sudden arrival of the long awaited summer, has been no exception. Guitars and other such musical gismos have been transported without mercy the length and breadth of the region to make sure the folk'n'jazz birthday soiree is a success. Last month at Mas de Sol was a memorable evening (described by many as a hard act to follow) but this month promises to be just as good with a full programme of varied music and song from English, Dutch and French performers.

As always the evening will be a relaxed affair held out of doors (weather permitting), you need to arrive at 8pm, bring a chair, your own drinks and 2euros per person. Plenty of parking is available in the main Parisot car park. From there it is just a short stroll to the chateau ( take the road signposted to the Belvedere) which being a chateau you can't miss!

The compere this month is Trevor Carter. Anyone wishing to perform or get more information should contact him or or phone 0563 67 93 35