Saturday 6 October 2012

Fetes des pommes a Vaour and more

12th, 13th, and 14th Oct. at Vaour a series of October manifestations. On all three days take your apples to have them made into apple juice. tel 0563563923
At Penne on Sat 13th an expo Penne a l' Himalaya Indien, photos, films at debates.
Vaour Concert Barcella a 21hr.30 A la Commanderie des Templiers Vaour. tel 0563563687 or www.
 Sunday 14th at Penne The dansent avec l,orchestra Bernard Gauche. Salle des Fetes Tel 0563563378
Monday 15th at Cordes Concours patisserie at 14.h30 at la Maziere. tel  0563561144
This is a small sample of things on offer so go to the site or tel 0563563668
Who says the winters are dead?