Monday 28 December 2015

Nous sommes le lundi vingt huit decembre

Back home to lovely weather still forecast and the sky is blue at 8am
Malc tells me it is the second warmest winter on record in the SW of France.
We got home to a post box with the cheques from supporters of our boys.
I do not know how much has been taken into the centre yet but here we have about 1,000 euros.
I have given some money to cover administration costs to Anais and tonight when Malc and I have our shift, we will know how much our appeals have taken overall.
We have 3 laptops coming which need cleaning and we have still have clothes coming in.
Whilst we have been away people who work normally have been holding the fort and the boys have had meals and trips out.
The boys have been downloading the French National anthem to learn and are having French lessons twice a day. They are young and bright and will learn quickly and they will soon be filling in applications to continue University courses or further study. Even  the young man with the MBA in Finance wants to continue his studies here in France.
As the new year approaches we can see for them at last a bright future.
 Our hopes that in other centres through out France, similar groups are settling in.
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