Monday 28 December 2015

Art with Rana

Hi Val
The art project I wish to create with the lads is a World Peace Collage using positive images and words in French and English.
With my English teaching I have discovered that people tend to learn a language faster if they are working with images and colours.
Please can you ask people to donate any French or English magazines that they may be throwing out and to bring them to Réhoboth if they can.
Also if the lads have fotos of their loved ones and family it will be good to get fotocopies of them that they can add to the collage surrounded by blessings and positive words.
Is there a colour printer that works?
The first session is next wednesday evening grace to my car getting me there
Also we will need more scissors if any one can spare them for cutting out words and images

Val says we have not got a colour printer there but if  you ask around maybe people can copy some for them.