Wednesday 30 December 2015

A warning that you and your family will be killed

As I sit with my ipad up at Rehoboth,  one young man after another comes to talk.
Mateen who was beaten and tortured before he arrived has had two hospital visits for headaches and is now feeling much better with medication.
Shazeb has shown me letters he received from the Taliban saying if he continued working with the World Health Organisation he would be killed and then they would kill his family. If he went to the Police they would be killed straight away. The  terror document is stamped as official.
When they shot at him, his Mother said he must leave quickly. That is why he is here.
Malik has just been with pictures of his Father who he last saw 5 years ago and now believes must be dead. He is very proud of him and is so pleased I am interested.
I am now facebook friends with numerous teachers at Universities  around the world, all thanking us here for helping the young men and hoping we can get them to be able to continue their sudies.

How can any of us deny the suffering of these young men and if we can help them we will.
Malc has been talking football and cricket and they all know about Middlesbrough.
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