Hallo again Val,
Just been out to water the plants and just wanted to say that I find if you water early in the morning before the sun gets up, there is much less snail damage ! Cool and damp in the evenings seems to encourage the little peskies in our garden who have already dined royally on our Busy Lizzies and Hydrangeas !
A question for Debbie, last year a small terrace we have which gets morning sun one side and afternoon the other, was a blaze of fabulous orange and red with Black Eyed Susans climbing everywhere and nasturtiums tumbling all over the place. This year, same terrace, same positions, same pots and it’s a disaster ! Pale yellow leaves long thick stalks with no leaves or flowers and very few flowers. Why ? I have tried keeping the soil moist, letting it dry out and every variation in between without success. I collect enamel and old grey metal washtubs which I use for the plants and Ernst thinks these are getting too hot. Is anyone having the same problems and can anyone give me some ideas ?
Thanks – oh and I think your Rosie must have been Steve McQueen in a previous life !!
Sue x
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com