Friday, 3 July 2015

A few events to note

Lez, near Laguepie has a  fete to which everyone is invited. 2nd to 4th of July with Journée hip hop at 19 hrs. Not sure what it is about so go and see.

2nd of July  10.30 am at Caussade guided visits round the hatmakers, la chapellerie Willy's, cost 3 euros.

Bruniquel from the 2nd of July, guided visits round the chateaux 5 euros for adults. Guided visits in the evening  at 21h.30. To reserve for the evenings tel 0563672984

Parisot 4th of July a workshop on mosaique from 14h to 17h at the mediatheque

St. Antonin Noble Val marché nocturne 9th of July starting 19h
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