Monday 1 June 2015

Nous sommes lundi, le premier juin

45 riders and 26 walkers enjoying the route around Laguepie yesterday, lovely day for them all and we passed many along our lanes.
On another subject which has been raised before Michael says
Dear Val,
 I hope you don't mind if I point out that it's dimanche, trente-et-un mai.

You're still putting in an unauthorised le.  It shouldn't be there.
 I only mention it because we Brits make enough mistakes in French, and if people see it in print, they may think it's right.
 Best wishes,
Val says I did check with French friends who said the " le" was OK and blow me one morning as I was writing it William on France 2 said exactly that when saying the date. So a bit of a dilemma, perhaps sometimes it is used, sometimes is not.
M obviously feels strongly to write twice and tell me it is " unauthorised" so I better check with more knowledgeable French friends!!