Thursday 25 June 2015

Two mules and four donkeys

Too much pasture for the donkeys pushed a neighbour who wanted our group to graze his fields into taking a distant neighbours two mules. Beautiful black beasts, one reminds me of Black Beauty with slightly larger ears. We had some concerns as the neighbour who had taken in the mules was suddenly taken into hospital for 10 days and we were concerned that the mules were not  getting enough water. We carried water over to the field in buckets and watering cans but then we met the very elderly owner who is now coming over to deliver water. The mules are in fine shape with very good hooves, nice to see in country French horses. I have got to ask if they are for the food chain or just pets? More often than not horses in the fields are like cows in that they are destined for the meat chain.
As long as they are cared for before that event what more can you ask?
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