Wednesday 18 March 2015

You do need to know a bit about all religions.

I had a moment of dawning today. I read that in Iran anyone keeping a dog could be subjected to 79 lashes. It made me research how Muslims generally felt about dogs. The Koran teaches respect for animals and even with halal killings insist the knife should be  very sharp to limit suffering to the animal. If a dog who they see as unclean licks or touches a muslims clothes or person they must wash themselves. I had a sudden flash of realisation. One of the young adults at Sautou is a Muslim, he strictly obeyed  Ramadan, not eating through the day. He made a visit with a group to our house and he avoided Bonny like the plague (not easy to do) I thought he was frightened of dogs and tried to get him to stroke her telling him she was very soft and loved a cuddle. Now I realise it was not fear but his religion.
It reminded me of the time I made a meal for some Jewish friends knowing that they ate fish, I made a paella. Not realising that they did not eat fish in shells that crawl along the sea bottom. I regret both of these instances so much.  I did not have enough knowledge not to cause offence.
As an after thought I do sign petitions against halal killing.
I have given a link to the article  in the Guardian on keeping dogs in Iran
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