Friday 27 March 2015

Une poule qui ne ponde pas? c'est vraiment rigolo

 Sitting in the dentists waiting room with shaking knees I got talking to a French lady. Well in truth she got talking to me. It worked out we had many friends in common, she lived at St. Martin Laguepie. She has a thriving business with hundreds of canards, volailles, pintades, and such fowl things. What does she do with a big percentage of them ? She puts the youngsters alive in boxes and then they fly to the UK and an elevage there feeds them up, slits their pretty little throats (she did the knife across the throat action at this point) and then they go to various supermarkets.
I said we had four donkeys, four cats, one dog and one hen called Penny. She asked if Penny was a pondeuse and when I explained she was too old to lay and now she was simply a pet, her cackling and knee slapping rocked the surgery!!I am sure that will be good dinnertime conversation over their meal table.

Actually I did not have shaking knees, the dentist is brilliant, even showing me the X rays explaining how he will crown two teeth. I think being such a good looking bloke does help his case.
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