Tuesday 2 September 2014

Our donkeys are the best in the world, remind me of that when they escape.

The blacksmith has just left and Malc, Julia and I are congratulating ourselves on our little donkeys being in perfect shape and also being calm as the blacksmith worked away.
The two occasions previously the big ugly chap Filou has had to have " calmants" which practically had him asleep before he would allow the blacksmith at his hooves. You might remember I was bounced up against the walls of the stable a couple of times and had to admit to being scared.
This morning I had the four donkeys tethered up waiting calmly as Patrick arrived and each one had their sabots/ hooves trimmed in turn with only a few shuffles. Filou we have realised does not like the sound of the file grating on his hooves so songs were sung in various languages to keep him calm. Patrick laughingly suggested we sang "Happy Birthday" but I did dissuade him as we had the donkeys calm  but I did not want  to get Malcolm ruffled.
The passing of time really bothers him, but I suppose when you are over 70 you want to stop the clock.
Must be careful what I write on age as I could upset more than half of my readership! and I am not far off 70 and I might then be a bit glum myself.( but I am not there yet!)
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com