Monday 8 September 2014

Concert to mark the centenary of the first World War

Dear Val

I sat down in terminal exhaustion to have my daily TAG fix having just seen the 20 singers and volunteers off home well fed and watered from a meal to say thank you after the concert. 

TAG has become such an important method of publicity for our activities that I should really be saying that sales of tickets are open as soon as people want to buy them. The concert will be on Saturday 18th October at 18.00 and will be the first  in a series that we will be putting on the mark the First World War. The Maitrise from the Toulouse Conservatoire whom  Mark Opstad teaches as  his day job will be singing  the Faure requiem and the Victoria requiem. 

We should be saying that booking opens today or indeed as soon as we get the cheques but why not indulge us and at least let us count todays takings and write to TAG giving the details and saying thanks properly before we start on the next one!

Ginny and Ross Jenkins

Val says this couple work so hard they do have ALL our admiration. We will wait for the poster and then book like mad. I made a mention of it Ginny,  as we were all given flyers. I am also touched that after a day like that you still fit in your daily TAG dose.
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