Friday 27 December 2013

Quiche, sausage rolls in an afternoon - never for the French

 " You English eat anything anytime"  this remark said in a jokey fashion by a French lady yesterday may have saved me from a serious " faux pas" today. ( I would actually say " saved my bacon" but in the context of no savories I thought it might complicate matters)
After lunchtime the French do not eat savoury things in the afternoon. Tea time is just for tea, coffee and cakes and we are told that  French visitors would think us bizarre if we served savories ;  "choses salées"
I had planned along with the mince pies, tarte citron, bouche de Noel to add a few sausage rolls, salted peanuts, crisps etc. but now it will be like " Bettys at Harrogate" at our house this afternoon, tea for two . (well 10 to be precise)
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