Sunday 21 July 2013

Orioles in the fig tree

Sitting eating our breakfast with the door on to the terrace open, suddenly we heard the song of more than one oriole about 3 metres away from us. I sneaked to the door to see two young orioles eating figs [our figs are not far off being ready] The balcony is up at the top of the fig tree and children often call it the tree house.They were being watched by Max our cat, who looked as if he thought  'an oriole breakfast' would be a fine start to the day.
It suddenly struck me that ''Orioles in the fig tree'' was the sort of title you read on the many books written since Peter Mayle had his success about his life in France.What these later authors,[authors said with tongue in cheek,] failed to realise is that Peter Mayle was a journalist and knew his craft of writing. We have one after another of these books being left at the book swap and many are as new. Living the good life does not necessarily mean you can write about it!
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