Wednesday 22 November 2017

Clean air certificates

We have been asked about "vignettes" showing the pollution level of cars, required to enter some big cities. We showed the vignettes back in January when the scheme was introduced in Paris. It was subsequently extended to other big cities, Lille and Lyon and more recently Grenoble and Bordeaux.
The vignette can be obtained on-line at a government site (cost 4.30 euros). Just enter details of your car and the appropriate vignette will be sent.
The "pastilles"

The effect of the various vignettes is to restrict or allow entry to city centres on various days: in Paris on most days (though not 24 hours); elsewhere on days with high pollution levels. Fines for non-compliance can be substantial. We are not aware that Toulouse is involved yet, but the pollution levels last week make it more or less inevitable (readers may know if the scheme has been introduced).
If you are ordering a vignette, make sure you use the official site, as others may charge you much more. This link will take you to the English language introduction page: