Monday, 9 January 2017

Literary events at Parisot


- a series of literary events throughout the year


The idea for a Parisot literary festival grew from a series of
successful talks and readings with authors in the library.
We are thrilled to be launching

LibraryLit,  a new partnership for 2017.

It is clear from the festival feedback, and library members,
that there is a real appetite for literary events throughout the whole year, not just over the third weekend in October.

Our first three planned events are:

Saturday 28 January, 10.30

Vanessa Couchman 
'21st Century Publishing'

a talk about writing and publishing,

together with readings from her latest publication
'Pearl Harbor and More: Stories of WW11 - December 1941'


Saturday 25 March, 10.30

Tracey Warr
'Conquest: Daughter of the Last King'

the state of historical fiction and her inspiration
and research for this book


Saturday 27th May, 10.30

Stephen Goldenberg
'Plot or Character - which comes first?'

a  talk on writing crime fiction