The idea for a
Parisot literary festival grew from a series of
successful talks and readings with authors in the library.
We are thrilled to be launching
LibraryLit, a
new partnership for 2017.
It is clear from the
festival feedback, and library members,
that there is a real appetite for literary events throughout the
whole year, not just over the third weekend in October.
Our first three
planned events are:
Saturday 28 January,
Vanessa Couchman
Century Publishing'
a talk
about writing and publishing,
together with readings from her latest publication
'Pearl Harbor and More:
Stories of WW11 - December 1941'
Saturday 25 March, 10.30
Tracey Warr
Daughter of the Last King'
the state
of historical fiction and her inspiration
and research for this book
Saturday 27th May, 10.30
'Plot or
Character - which comes first?'
a talk on writing crime fiction