Thursday 26 January 2017

It never rains..

You may remember the "horse meat" scandal a few years ago which led to the closure of the Spanghero meat plant in Castelnaudary. At that time the business had passed out of the hands of the Spanghero brothers (whom older readers may remember were French rugby internationals), but Laurent Spanghero decided to buy back the closed plant and re-open under a new brand. He had to contend with labour disputes as he wanted to hand pick his employees from the staff who had lost their jobs, avoiding those who he considered "trouble-makers".
Now he is being prosecuted for manslaughter after a security guard was crushed by a steel gate which was so precarious it "trembled like a leaf".  Spanghero was said to have ignored warnings, but claims he was busy trying to "secure the site" before remedial work was carried out.  The prosecution allege that the fatality was not an isolated event, but part of a catalogue of errors. A sentence of 6 months suspended and a fine has been demanded by the prosecution. The court will give its decision in March.
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