Saturday 14 January 2017

Refused by everyone .. but the curé ?

I wondered if I dare report this but with great delight I can as it has been in the Depeche.
I know that when the new curé came to the area he refused to allow meetings or conferences in the churches including a meeting with the
committee for the restoration of the  church of St. Vincent de Varen. Malc was on the committee.
After heated discussions the AGM was allowed.
Now we hear that even though the Maire of Verfeil did not allow this group in the Salle des Fetes,  the curé allowed this meeting to be held in the church at Verfeil.
Verfeil is a very welcoming village whose residents really objected to this intrusion of hatred. How did they handle it. The young people were their handing out food and hot drinks on a cold day.
I got a call from friend Anais to go and arrived to see masses of police cars and police dog handlers with dogs in the back of vehicles.
The meeting went off quietly and it is with great delight that I can tell you inexplicably the church lights and heating were switched off.
Is this a taste of things to come and is religion not supposed to see love and humanity?
The day before in Espinas is the story in the Depeche
and the photo shown of the author organising her new book about the history of Jews, sadly her view of that, was custard pied!
I should maybe add for those expats who do not know the names mentioned in the Depeche all have close links to the National Front.