Tuesday, 10 January 2017

Erasmus 30 this year

Not the Dutch theologian, who would be over 600, but the eponymous scheme available to EU students to spend a year studying in another country. Since it was introduced in 1987 more than 5 million students have chosen to spend a year abroad. Originally it was used largely by students of foreign languages, as a decent knowledge of the language of the country chosen (say at least one year university study) is needed, but more and more students from other fields, including school children and apprentices, are now included.
Spain is number one destination, followed by Germany and France. In a study it was found that 27% of those asked had met their partner during an Erasmus course. Conversely 60% of those interviewed were still single (but since no ages were cited in the study it could include many under 25's).
The UK contribution to Erasmus was given by Boris Johnson as something that could continue after Brexit.
comments to taglines82@gmail.com