Monday 31 October 2016

These girls off to help in Africa

A Renault 4L is not the ideal vehicle for a 6000 kilometre round trip to Morocco, but the participants in the 4L Trophy intend to do that in February and two final year students in personal care near Auch decided it would fit in with their course and help take aid to schoolchildren less fortunate than themselves. "We have a home, food and a right to education, which is not always the case in Morocco" said one of the 18 year olds.
Juliette and Melanie seeking sponsors
The girls have already been promised school books and medical supplies from local businesses and have set up a Facebook page at desailespourlafrique4Ltrophy 2017 to seek additional sponsors.
It's nice to see that amid all the apparent distrust, hatred even, of foreigners and refugees there are still people with their hearts in the right place willing to go the extra mile (OK kilometre) to help others.
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