Wednesday 26 October 2016

In hot water over mushrooms

Christophe Boutet is an IT expert who published an interactive map on the internet, showing places where cepes etc can be found. It is well known to those of us who live in the country that these places are a well kept secret, knowledge handed down the generations and not to be divulged to outsiders.
It is no surprise then that M. Boutet found his map under cyber attack. Someone he says with good knowledge of the internet has hacked his map and removed the information.
In the comments under his post (always a good source of bigotry) he was accused of being "Parisian"; of encouraging despoliation of sites; of destroying countryside confidentiality. He says "au contraire" that he is Auvergnat and lives in the country and that far more damage to the sites is done with huge forestry machines than a few mushroom pickers. M Boutet is to upgrade his map making it "vandal proof".
But with good cepes at about 20 euros a kilo the locals around here are likely to keep the best places well hidden.
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