Friday, 15 January 2016

"submerged with migrants"

Typical language used by the far (and not so far) right, in 1930's France as Spaniards fled the civil war in their homeland. A claim repeated at every opportunity by the Front National, but an investigation by France 2 TV last night suggested that this is far from the truth. Of the 4 million refugees fleeing Syria over two million are in Turkey, one million in Lebanon, 400000 in Jordan and about 400000 in Europe. France will accept 24000, 0.04% of her population. If France was to accept the same proportion as Lebanon it would be 22 millions!
Over the last 30 years France has received about 7 million foreigners - including over 200000 of us Brits. This is a lower total than Germany, Britain or Italy, countries with similar populations to France. But truth rarely interests these demagogues who want to sow fear into the voters for their own purposes.
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