Thursday 28 January 2016

Nous sommes le jeudi vingt huit janvier

Yesterday it took till lunchtime for the fog to clear and then it was brilliant sun. Today there is no fog and at 8.10 am the sky is blue and pink. I think we are in for another walking/ gardening day.

Do you know if someone dies in France they need to be buried or cremated within the week by law.
Not many of us have booked and paid for our plot with our churches so must of us will go for cremations. This can cause problems if there have been lots of deaths that week and it pays to book your crematorium as soon as you possibly can. Joyce Clench is in such a situation and because the family members could not be here till today, they needed the ceremony to be tomorrow, which is why they are now booked into a crematorium more than 2 hours away.
Another important thing to note is if you want to take the ashes back to the UK after the cremation do not tell the funeral director, just quietly pick them up after the ceremony. If you say you are taking them back, the crematorium will hold them and then as well as complicated paper work you will be charge for them holding the ashes with fees up to 2,000 euros possible ( we have a friend this happened to)
If you are Jewish and you want your body to go home to be  buried with your religious rights, forget it, as your body would need to be embalmed before leaving France, making it impossible to be buried in  a Jewish  cemetery,
Infact if you are feeling unwell get the research done, who is going to be your funeral director, etc. one who speaks English would be  good or get someone who can help like Jacynth Crozier mentioned in the sidebar  who can help with dealing with French organizations.
If you are on a second or third marriage with children from earlier unions I am not even going to mention the law of succession.

After all that hope you are feeling on tip top form and do not need any of this advice for a long time.

Ginny tells us that in exceptional circumstances one can try and get a delay by asking the local Mayor but then you need to find a  funeral company with refrigeration, not all of them have this.
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