You all remember our nearly selling the house saga. A few days before signing the compromis the couple who were full of " hope nothing goes wrong we love this house" pulled out of the sale. A very apologetic letter received on how they had family problems and must go home.
As it happened we had been in a quandry as we had decided we did not want to sell but did not think it was fair to let the couple down who were so keen.
We learnt whilst all this was going on that they had done the same thing with a near neighbour, just before the point of signing they withdrew. Now on the grapevine we hear they have allegedly done it yet again, pulled out a day before signing on a house at Caylus. Who knows how many people this has happened to that we do not know about.
Selling a house is a very stressful business and costly with fees for having the fosse and electrics checked, apart from time wasting for yourself, immobiliers and notaires.
If you have had such an experience or are selling and have fears, let me know and I will supply the couples name. They were avid TAG readers so hopefully they will read this and consider if their antics are indeed fair and proper.
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