There seems to be much more sympathy for refugees with their families than with single men. We are asked all the time, why just men at Rehoboth.
The answer to that is simple, in that it is not a facility suited to families with dormitory style bedrooms.
But delving deeper people say but why are the men here. Reading the story below where a female young student is going to fight Daesh, one can ask that question again.
For us it has all been a bit of an eye opener, and of course we have asked all these questions.
Many of the lads have got family in their countries whom they do want to bring over to safety.
Most had their lives threatened and had family and friends killed, many have wounds from battles fought.
All were escaping Isis or Taliban fighters and regimes. Their hope is to settle here somewhere in Europe find work and bring over their families.
They could not afford to pay traffickers for more than themselves even if they would have risked their partners and children making the perilous journey they made.
Their armies are poorly equipped, their homes often bombed to bits, who amongst us would not try to save their families if they could?
I know the worries are of an endless stream of refugees and I think we should be pressing governments to sort out problems in Syria, Afghanistan, Sudan and Pakistan. That is when we will be able stop mass migration.
Not by bombing as Russia, America and now the UK are doing. Seemingly all having different agendas.
On the question of UK soldiers fighting, it is a job they are paid to do in a regulated army with equipment and trained leadership.
A French man said to me yesterday " If Tony Blair and Bush had not gone into Afghanistan, we would not be here today"
There may be an element of truth in this but it does not explain the rise of the militant Taliban and Isis.
The world has a long way to go to sort itself out but as humanitarians we believe helping any person suffering is the way, and from the response we have had from TAG readers here in France many of you feel the same way.
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