Tuesday 29 September 2015

Nous sommes le mardi vingt neuf septembre

Hae you tidied out drawers and cupboards for warm clothes and bedding for Calais? We certainly have done but we also have lots of things such as hanging lights, ornaments childrens games. A friend Nadette Curato works for the Croix Rouge here at St. Antonin. One of the things the Red Cross does is feed and clothe people on the breadline here, and in our priviliged position we tend not to know there are people like this on our doorstep.
On Saturday I am going very early to Espinas to donate some of these unwanted item to the stall of the Croix Rouge at the vide grenier . If you have not got items to take perhaps you could find something to buy from them when you are browsing about.
The poor of all nationalities are always with us.
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com