Wednesday 30 September 2015

Caring for those who need support

Hi Val &Malc

My silence does not mean I am not aware of and sharing in all that is being reported on Tag.'
I am sending under separate notice 100 Euros to help that incredible couple  I just wish it was more but life here is sill pretty tough for many and I try to help them also.    
So glad that you have made a decision about your home    I am also happy for Coco & Filou  hopefully they will remain part of your tribe.
You are in my thoughts daily and life in taglands still helps when life here is still difficult.     Having said that life for the refuges is still far worse than us.
Love and Kia Kaha (stay Strong)

Malc   The World Cup is going to be interesting.
Sad to hear the news about Christine.

Take care and much aroha (love) to you all

Val says to new readers Ann lives in Christchurch in New Zealand, she knows hard times when she lost everything inthe earthquakes there. She is an avid TAG reader as when she was down she clutched at remembering happy times and one of these times was a  happy holiday in St. Antonin. She found TAG many years ago and enjoys " the TAG community spirit" which we all enjoy. Your contribution Ann, to help refugees is more important than most and much appreciated.
All the pets did " high fives" when we said we were staying and of course the donkey tribe will now stay together. Filou and Coco are especially loving to us since we told them.