Tuesday 29 September 2015

Good work being done regardless of riot police

Hi Val
No 1 The three Eritrean ladies who live in this tent are all pregnant, their tent drips condensation on them all night, their bedding is saturated & they all have bronchial problems. They only came to our attention today, tomorrow they will get a house.
No 2 Only one of the ladies would be photographed, she was very shy, I don't know her name, her baby arrives in March.
No 3 A log jam of lorries heading for the port causes 100's of people to give chase in a futile attempt to get to England, both the houses with the green & white plastic have been put up by the building team
No 4 With raised batons & tear gas the riot police beat people into submission, I am glad that we, as a high profile bunch of Europeans were there with camera's or i fear it could have been alot worse. We all ended up in tears, what a sick world we live in.