Friday, 10 July 2015

Feeling motivated

The sleepiness has passed, thanks sweeties.
Now I am feeling motivated, we have the man coming to do the energy efficiency of both houses and this afternoon if it is still on, a viewing.
Time to tidy the house and put round the air spray.

Out in the fields trouble is brewing. If you remember we took the four donkeys down the road to a neighbours field. It works out they are nose to nose with the visiting mules brought in to cut the field down a slope. The mules are females and what has happened is one of the mules has come into season. Affected by the presence of Filou, a castrated male who still has the capabilities only separated by a fil barbelé / barbed wire.
None of this would be too bad but Julia who owns Filou came last night to say she was going on holiday again. If there is a break out or in between the donkeys it could be nasty. Rosie and Lucy are much smaller than the mules and could be battered.
The next  problem is we need to ferry water down to the field day and night which we were hoping would be down to Julia. A few feelings there best not discussed.
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