Saturday 20 June 2015

Imagine all the people..

living in harmony. John Lennon's song, as he said, may be the stuff of dreams, but it is hard to imagine that it could cause such trouble as it has in Corsica this week. Children at a primary school were preparing to sing the song in various languages, including Arabic, for the school's annual kermesse, a fund raising event to pay for school trips, but a parent refused to allow his daughter to take part.
His reason was that the school is bi-lingual French and Corsican and introducing other languages should not have been done without consulting the parents. The two teachers involved claim they were verbally assaulted and threatened, even with internet death threats. Racist graffiti appeared on the school walls and the school fete was cancelled. The father denies any racist element to his decision, some of his best friends are Arabs, and deplores the tensions that have arisen, blaming it on the teachers. He rightly says it is the children who have suffered most. Imagine their disappointment at not being able to perform after all the work to learn the song.
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