Tuesday 3 March 2015

Tuesday and there go the guns

We were talking to some friends who live in Laguepie who did not know there was an army camp at Caylus. They wondered why in the distance on a Tuesday they could hear what sounded like explosions from big guns. The camp which is at Caylus has manoevres  and exercises on Tuesdays.
In truth we are not bothered much by the noise in this sector but if gun noise bothered you it is worth knowing the camp is there if considering buying a property.
This conversation actually brought us to discussing knowing the area before buying. Road noise would bother Malc and I,  preferring bird noise anytime. Quarries blasting, if you have a quarry near the prospective house how often do they blast. Neighbours with dogs barking can also be a nuisance.
We came down on the theory you should rent in an area for 3 to 6 months before buying and gain some local knowledge.
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com