Monday 8 December 2014

What if the dam burst?

The Aveyron and Viaur rivers that flow through our local villages are fed upstream by some important reservoirs. Notably the Barrage de Pont de Salars on the plain and the enormous Lac de Pareloup (5th biggest reservoir in France). They produce over 2000 mw of hydro-electric power. But as with all reservoirs there are dams and unlikely as it is what if one burst? Local authorities, river managements, EDF and pompiers will all take part in a major exercise to simulate the emergency services response to such a disaster on Thursday (11th December). Public meetings to inform residents of what is in store - such as in the Salle des Fetes in Laguepie on Monday 8th at 20h30 (8.30 pm). Such exercises are fairly common and one such was held in south Aveyron in October and local authorities are obliged to have a plan in place and test it from time to time.
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