Wednesday 10 December 2014

French hostage released in Mali

Serge Lazarevic, whose face has been familiar to viewers of Telematin every Wednesday morning when they say "nous ne les oublierons pas" ("we wont forget them") with relation to French hostages, was released yesterday after 3 years imprisonment in Mali. Having touched down this morning in France the ex-hostage made an eloquent defence of freedom. "Life is sweet to be free", he said, and added that when you are imprisoned and when your life is under threat all you think about is freedom.
President Hollande recalled that Lazarevic's fellow hostage Phillipe Verdon had been murdered by his captors and warned people to avoid areas where they might be at risk - a thought we have for a brave friend of ours.
The Maya Angelou poem below seems very apt today. "Vive la liberté" as M Lazarevic said.
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