Thursday 11 December 2014

A birthday boy, as well as a birthday girl

Hi Val
 Say ' happy Birthday' to Charlotte, She shares her birthday with my son Tom who is 15 today. As He is an intern at Lycée , returning home for wednesday pm and leaving for the 6.15 bus thursday am celebrations were a bit quiet this morning at 5.30! It is funny how plants and pets play a big part in moving here. Poor Tom shared the back of the car with our heroic cat ' sox' who squawked all of the journey down here.  Plants following in the lorry, removal men cursing the roses. Good memories.  Since then we have gained another 11 cats( 3 orphan kittens needing homes, hint hint), one dog , hens, a rabbit and two businesses. It has not been dull. not always easy as anyone who runs a business here will tell you, but never dull. its good to remember the dreams we all had when we moved here. So Happy Birthday to anyone who shares this day and Happy memories to the rest of us!
Le jardin d'Emma
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