Sunday 6 April 2014

Box tree and post problems

Dear Val,
 I wonder if any of your readers have had to wage war on the latest garden
pest, La pyrale du buis, which lays waste to box bushes and hedges.
It is a small brown and white moth that lays its eggs inside box bushes and
the green and black striped caterpillars with black heads eat their way
through the bush. You can see their little spider's web style cocoons strung
between the leaves.
My husband has removed hundreds from our small box hedge and four separate
bushes, but this seems to be a losing battle. Apparently they can produce
three generations in a year.
Does anyone know where to buy the recommended insecticide (Maag make
several, eg Kendo Gold). I found a supplier on line but they won't deliver
to our area.
By the way, we noted with amazement that Jardiland had box bushes on sale
that were already full of the caterpillars and the helpful assistant knew
nothing about la pyrale du buis.
Can anyone suggest a solution?
Thanks in advance,

Val says Last year Tony Coles had the answer, find this in a post below the  dancing. I have had a terrible time trying to copy this post.
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