Wednesday 30 April 2014

From Jean to Lucas in 60 years

A study of first names published by INSEE (the government statistics service), broken down by Region, shows how names have changed with fashions being quite evident, over the years since the end of the war.
In Midi-Pyrennees back in the 40's and 50's boys were called Jean, then a few years of Philippe but from about 1980 the names have changed more often. Nicholas, Sebastien and Julien were popular for a decade, a few years of Kevins around 1990 and nearly a decade of Thomas in the 90's. Since 2000 only two names have dominated, with 8 years of Lucas interrupted by three years of Enzo.
For girls the pattern is similar: Marie for 20 years, then Sylvie, Nathalie and Stephanie up to the mid 70's. Up to the mid 90's a succession of Celines, Elodies, Manons, Laura and Julies, but from 1997 to 2003 it was Lea and ever since Emma tops the list.
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