Wednesday 20 February 2019

Writing for Fun


Following the publication of Life in Words in 2017, an anthology of the work penned by the creative writing group under the leadership of the late Doreen Porter to whom it was dedicated, members of the group decided to continue writing and we are now in our second year.
Each month, we choose one or two subjects to write about in any format and email it to an appointed member to circulate.  We then meet up on the last Friday to discuss the submissions and make comments. This year we have decided to be a little more ambitious and each write a book of his/her choice, endeavouring to add a chapter per month.
We can now accept two or three more members so if you fancy adding creative writing to your hobbies, do contact us for more details on
It is a very informal sociable group as it is meant to be fun, although we do seriously try our best to write something, however small, each month.