Thursday 21 February 2019

MP wants to guarantee our rights

The latest message from ECREU, a lobby group wanting to preserve ex-pat rights after Brexit, includes the news that a Tory MP has put down an amendment for next week's vote to ask the PM to ensure that the part of the Withdrawal Bill relating to citizens' rights be adopted whatever the outcome of the negotiations. We are asked to write to our MP (even if we have no right to vote our MP is that of the last constituency we lived in) and urge her/him to support the amendment.
The text is:
Conservative MP, Alberto Costa is putting down a carefully worded amendment
to guarantee citizens rights regardless of the outcome of Brexit. The
amendment will be to the Prime Minister's meaningful vote motion on February
26th .
This is the amendment:

'This House considers the prime minister's statement of 26th February and
requires the prime Minister to seek at the earliest opportunity a joint
UK-EU commitment to adopt part two of the withdrawal agreement on citizens
rights and ensure its implementation prior to the UK¹s exiting the European
Union, whatever the outcome of negotiations on other aspects of the
withdrawal agreement.'
It is reported to have cross party support, but it is vital that all MPs are
encouraged to get behind it. So please write to your MP and ask him or her
to  vote for Mr Costa's amendment ­ your future life in the EU could depend
on it!
Find your MP here:
Our coalition of groups, British in Europe has joined with the3million in
the UK writing to all MPs., but this is all about numbers, so please email
your MP now.

You can download the BiE letter here: