Thursday 14 June 2018

Relaxing at home

I never tire of the views at our place, rain or shine it is a beautiful place to be. We walked around the grounds yesterday, so much to see.
We gave our caravan and awning yesterday to one of the refugees who now has asylum. When we moved the awning box from the outside open barn we found a mouse nest. It was lovely to see the little mice scurry to another safe place. I do hope they made it before our cats went prowling about.
As we do not have kestrels the magpies have nested in some bushes behind the donkey hut. Little magpies are about,  not our favourite birds.
Lots of poppies around the edges and the donkeys' field is now a wild flower meadow which we will have cut after all the flowers have seeded.
Apples, plums, figs, peaches are not so plentifully this year, they seem to have a two year cycle, also lots of blossom was blown off in the early storms.
Conversely the grapes are prolific.
Something else missing are the moles. Where are they this year?
Enjoy being outside on another sunny day.