Tuesday, 8 March 2016

What will diners order?

Asked to say what dishes best symbolised the region, those questioned in the south west said the most popular was cassoulet, followed a long way behind by foie gras (what no cuisse de canard?), but in fact most likely to be ordered is - pizza.
In 2015 some 800 million pizzas were consumed in France, making it the nation's favourite dish, and putting the French at the top of the world list of pizza consumers, equal with the USA and ahead of Italy. And it's not just a take-away or eat-in-front-of -the-telly dish, about half of the 800 million were ordered and eaten in restaurants.
Taglines likes the odd pizza (and our grandchildren make a beeline for the Segalar when here), but we had a lovely inventive lunch at L'Univers in Villefranche on Saturday, so we know where our preferences lie.
comments to taglines82@gmail.com