Friday 25 March 2016

Nous sommes le vendredi vingt cinq

A mild morning, not sure if it is going to be sunny.
The land is drying round about, so it could have been a good gardening day.
Malc has not played boules for 3 months since our friends arrived, for one reason and another.
Today he has a trip to Montauban then Castelsarrasin to pick up some of our young men who are all coming back for Easter before they are all scattered around France next Wednesday.
What an amazing 3 months the two teams French and English have had. New interesting friends made and friendships and bonds formed for ever. At least 50 of us have unforgettable memories.
We are now building ties with a similar group in MulhouseAlsace, where last night after many conversations we were invited over for a visit. A lovely thought but it is about 800kms!
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