Tuesday 1 March 2016

The news from Calais rather distressing

The news and pictures from Calais are rather distressing, I hope no one gets hurt.
I do think the French are in a bit of a cleft stick. They have thousands of migrants  living in terrible conditions in Calais and Dunkirk. The French are offering places to start taking out asylum in France, but the majority, English speakers all still want to go to the UK. I have said for months this is not a realistic option and the people there should be persuaded to try for asylum here.
I am so relieved that our 17 boys took the option they did and I am sorry
that they are now going to be model French citizens, when we could have had their skills and expertise in the UK.
I hope whatever happens that the 460 odd children on their own in the camp are being looked after safely... but I have my doubts.
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com