Friday, 8 January 2016

What did you do last night?

Meal out with friends or feet up with  glass of wine watching English or French TV, cuddling the dog or cat?
In our house Malc was out playing bridge and I was out at Rehoboth talking mainly to an intelligent  young Kurd.We spent the night discussing how his life had been so far, and it makes pretty scary reading. As a child of a Kurdish family who supported the Kurdish Democratic Party he knew fear all through childhood. At 17 he was beaten arrested, thrown into prison tortured shot, stabbed, had finger nails torn out and it goes on. Friends were hung in the streets.
This young man is a Christian and his religion is important to him as the Islamic religion is important to the Muslims.
I ask the young men when talking "where do you want to go when you leave here?" Most want to got to cities for University places or a better prospect of work. This young Kurd wants to stay here in the country  around St. Antonin and find work. It is the first time in his life that he has felt safe.
We researched last night Mansour Arvand and the Kurdistan Democratic Party and I am thinking about becoming a member of this party. Freedom  and freedom of speech is  so important to ones life.
Something we take for granted.
If interested in refugees former lives do the research, it is an eye opener.
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