Wednesday, 20 January 2016

This gets me mad

An accident where an employer at the local mairie was cleaning his boat by the banks along the river. He was shot by a chasseur and died.
The case has just come up at court, it was called " un accident de chasse  stupide"
The shooter was being tried for involuntary manslaughter.
He says it was sombre/ dark and the bushes were dense and the bullet it may have been a ricochet, which killed the worker. "The pompiers were phoned twice and were slow in arriving " he said, so the man died.
The prosecution says there was no evidence of sanglier activity in that area which is what the shooter " thought" he was shooting at!
It beggars belief he got off with a 3,000 amend / fine and his shooters licence taken off him for three PALTRY years. The man is 69 now so when he is 72 he will be back with his rifle... god forbid.
Is this justice? what signal does it give out to other gun tooting loonies, getting away with manslaughter.
Malc says  you could get replies unhappy about that  "which bit" I said. Calling people " loonies"
 Oh! for heavens sake.
Insert your own word for loonies, to suit your political correctness levels
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