Friday 1 January 2016

The happiest New Year of our lives

Last night proved you do not need alcohol to make you happy. Everyone who came up to Rehoboth had the time of their lives with love and joy over bounding.
The helpers French and English have a camaraderie of working together to help these young men. The young men are so grateful to be here, happy and safe.
There was an auberge espagnol and Charlotte and her daughters helped the boys prepare a meal that made our table of quiches, pizza etc left mainly untouched as everyone dived into to the hot delicious food. Furniture was pushed back for dancing and at 11pm we all put on coats and went to dance and sing in a circle round the bonfire.
A memorably night for us all and for the lads a great welcome to their new country France.
The first photos sent to me are of two the boys making the meal
Happy New Year to all readers and if you have donated in any way this happy evening was helped to be created by you, if you were there or not.
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