Wednesday, 6 January 2016

Sales at Carpetman

Dear Val,

Firstly I would like to wish you and all the TAG readers a very Happy & healthy New Year !!!!!And yes its that time again............ JANUARY SALES !!

All of our roll stock is on sale, 
20% off all rugs and Seagrass
30% off all Vinyl, Artificial grass, Carpets & remenants.
So for those of you who have been thinking about giving that floor a makeover pop in and pick up a bargin. You could also look at the facebook pages for photos.
Also please remember we have a large stock of English book for a small donation to the 'Liberté des Anes' charity they could be yours to pass those long evening by the fire.
Take care and keep warm
With kind regards 
Lot 5b, Voltaire 2
2 Rue Voltaire (
dans la cour)
82000 Montauban
05 63 20 51 59 
tweet @carpetmanfrance