Tuesday, 5 January 2016

Nous sommes le mardi cinq janvier

A dry morning but the sky has not decided which way to go. Being an optimist I will go with the blue arriving from the west, but better check the meteo.
Today I am going along with Rana, a reader who believes in positive thought.

On positive thought, helping the refugees takes up a lot of our time, but what have we gained from it?
We have gained a respect ( which we always had) for each other, respect from other members of the family, a respect from like minded friends and here in France made new French and Dutch friends who are also benevoles. I think also respect from the young men and we have also learnt a lot from them.
Now that has all got to be pretty positive and makes us so happy.
Bonny and Eldo the dogs are not so respectful and having never spent so much time on their own are planning to run away. ( so they tell me!)
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com