Sunday, 17 January 2016

Nous sommes le dimanche dix sept

Thanks go to Rachel Shamash today for rallying friends  to support Jean Marie and Winnie Nosal at the Domaine de Sautou and arranging the  super evening.  This year it is noticeable that Jean Marie is tired, he keeps going, helping the people and children of Mali but it gets harder as one gets older.
The evening was a great success and the hall was full with tables beautifully set out. We had ten young men with us who as the evening went on met some young Pakistanis. They were also refugees, some quite young on their own here in France. We met their guardian who has worked in this field for some years. He told us that minors once they started school were much more likely to get their papers. He was much more cautious about some of our young men gaining asylum even when we told him about the conversations with the Prefect. He had no faith in the government or the immigration system following up with the Prefect's positive message. So sceptical was he that he took our coordinates and is going to send us his lawyer's contact in Toulouse who works free on the refugees behalf... just in case.
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