Friday, 15 January 2016

It all happens at lively Verfeil

We said we would run some of the young men to Charley's at Verfeil for a music night. When we arrived at Rehoboth we were met by Hossan, saying " hello Uncle Malc" Malc gave him a bear hug  and we both said " Gosh we are glad to see you back"  Hossan wondered what all the fuss was about, he had been to see his friend in Lyon who when he has his papers will give him work.

We taxied three boys down to to the bar, one of the boys who speaks Turkish had met a girl from the Turkish part of Cyprus living at the moment  in Verfeil. They had arranged to meet at the bar. I was dragged over when she arrived to sit with them both, was I the chaperone I thought?
They had a lovely chat and are meeting next Thursday coming for tea here.
Then Shezab brought in to intoduce to me a Pakistani boy he had got talking to in the outside area. A refugee who has been lodging with a family d' acceuil in Verfeil for 2 months.  Then he introduced me to the French lady he was staying with. She had been a family d'acceuil for many years but said it was difficult as this particular young man did not speak French or English. It was lovely to see the lads face light up a he spoke to our group of lads.
Sarah Gareth, Anais, Samira and Reynalt were with us and I think they enjoyed the boys pleasure in an evening out as much as we did.
I know lots of readers enjoy these stories about our young men developing their new lives.
For those who wonder how the boys afforded the night out, remember they drink water and Charley was happy to have them there.
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